Saturday, December 6, 2008

Picture Day

So, I received a call the other day that my 1/2 of beef was cut and ready to be picked up--meaning I had to drive to Spokane to get it. I decided that since I had to go anyway, I might as well make the trip worthwhile (although a freezer full of beef is definately worthwhile) and I made an appointment to get the kids' pictures taken at Penneys. I was a little nervous because since Levi works this weekend, he wouldn't be going with me, and normally the kids are a handful.
However, today they were AWESOME!! We got them in, photographed, together and individually, and out. No major melt downs or screaming or fighting. It was great--and look how cute my kids are--not to mention how old looking they look.

1 comment:

The Deal Family said...

Your kids are adorable. I can't believe there is a mini-Heidi in this world. Kaidyn is growing up so much, and looks just like you. Very Cute. I don't know how you did pictures with 3 kids by yourself. I can't even do 2 kids alone, they are crazy boys.