Well, a couple of weeks ago, I took the girls to the dentist--it was Jayd's first time and Kaidyn's third or fourth. Jayd was a little nervous, but I figured Kaidyn had gone enough times that she could go first and show Jayd how it was done. Well, the hygienist had other ideas and wanted to take Jayd first, I insisted that Kaidyn go first, but in hindsight I think she knew something I didn't know. I gave in and Jayd went first. GOOD THING!!!
Jayd was nervous and cringed everytime the hygienist held up a new tool, but once she got familiar with the routine she sat there with her mouth open and allowed the lady to do her job. She still a little young for x-rays, so we didn't have to deal with that. Overall, she did a very good job for her first time.
Kaidyn was a whole other story. Can you say DRAMA QUEEN and FREAK?? What do you get when you cross those two things--Kaidyn (she's going to read this someday and hate me). Anyway--she would not let the lady take the x-rays, she claimed her mouth was to small--if you've seen her eat, you know this isn't true--and she screamed through the cleaning--the hygienist wasn't able to finish with her tool and had to finish with a toothbrush. I felt so bad because Kaidyn was so not cooperative.
As a result they referred her to a children's dentist in Wenatchee where they do sedations on children who are nervous about the dentist. We went to our initial appointment about a week ago where they learned just how "nervous" Kaidyn is and to meet the Dentist--Dr. Cara.
Well I have to say, the office, staff and dentist are AWESOME. They recommended consious sedation for Kaidyn (as the couldn't get the xrays with the hygienist and me holding her down) so they could do the xrays, clean her teeth properly and she had a few small cavities.
Since she can't eat or drink after midnight, I requested the earliest appointment--which is 7:30. I had to get up super early, get myself ready, get Kaidyn up and in the car by 6:15 so we could make the drive to Wenatchee. It generally takes about an hour, however, this morning it was super foggy and possibly slick. I was nervous driving myself in that weather, but Levi insisted I take the truck so I felt a little better--at least if anything happened, I had a lot of metal around me.
We arrived at the office, and they gave Kaidyn something to drink, which she freaked out about because she didn't know what it tasted like. But between the me holding her down and the lady opening her mouth, we got the liquid down her. We then watched cartoons and cuddled for a half hour until they came for her. I was not allowed to go with her, which she cried about again, but she was so relaxed, she wasn't able to fight it. They took her back and about an hour and half later she was out with clean teeth and a filling. They said she was very grumpy until she finally gave up and just fell asleep. At least they got it done. They then informed me that she needed another visit because the xrays revealed 2 cavities on the bottom as well as one of her front teeth is growing in faster than the one above it is coming out, so they will have extract it. So that makes for another visit is two weeks. Oh yeah--did I mention the sedation is $288, which is generally not covered by insurance. Luckily we are double covered under Washington Dental, so usually what the primary insurance doesn't pay, the secondary picks up, so we're hoping they pay for the sedation.
Not one to miss an opportunity to shop, we hit a few stores while in Wenatchee as well as Costco. Kaidyn was a little wobbly throughout all this, and slurred her words for a while. She was mildly upset that she couldn't have Red Robin for lunch (it was only 10:00 am) but I appeased her with a milkshake from McDonalds. After shopping we headed home, rented Wall-E and I had the rest of the day off to hang out with my family. How cool--I could get used to this